The Sardine Fast Info You Need

The sardine fast is also referred to as the 3 Day Sardine Fast. No matter what name is used, it has gained a tremendous amount of attention lately. And it makes sense that it would become very popular because it’s so effective for weight loss. Although there are several other benefits, most people use it for losing weight quickly.

The idea was conjured up by Dr. Annette Bosworth, more affectionately known as Dr. Boz.

Dr. Boz specializes in ketogenic and low carb lifestyles. She has developed quite a following and she’s created many YouTube videos.

In her book, "Any Way You Can" – Doctor Bosworth shares her mom's cancer journey. - A beginner’s guide to ketones for life. In the book she shares her discovery of the benefits of sardines as a perfect food for getting into deep ketosis for healing and it turns out, for losing weight too!

I enjoyed the book so much I had to review it as a way of sharing it with you. You can read that review in the Book Reviews section of this site.

It just so happens that sardines are highly nutritious. They’re a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, selenium and other important minerals and enzymes.

The other great thing about sardines is their high fat content which helps fill you up and keep you fuller for a long time. So, it makes it really easy to stick to the “fast” because you’re seldom hungry. Gotta love that!

Eating only sardines for a few days is a great way to kickstart your metabolism and lose weight. Even fitness influencers and health-conscious people are on the bandwagon!

Another great thing in favor of sardines is they come in perfect, convenient containers you can take with you anywhere and you don’t need refrigeration, and you don’t need to cook them! Have fork, will travel!

Sardine Fast Reality

So, is a sardine fast really as good as we are being told?

Let’s look at some of the claims...

  • Most people, if they’re overweight, lose weight during the 3 days of fasting.
  • Many people report increased mental clarity and energy levels.
  • We know that sardines contain nutrients that help lower inflammation in the body.
  • By eating sardines regularly, you may reduce the risk of heart disease by more than one-third.
  • The omega-3 fatty acids in sardines help with cognitive function. Your brain benefits.

What else have people said about the Sardine Fast?

  • People report better sleep quality. Easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • A heightened sense of better focus and more energy, likely due to increased ketone production.
  • No afternoon crashes and better concentration at work
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Stable blood sugar levels.

Is The Sardine Fast For You?

If you don’t like sardines, it’s not something that you’ll be able to stick with for 3 days. However, you could swap sardines for other fatty fish, like mackerel or herring.

There is monotony in just eating the same thing at each meal for 3 days. If you like variety, this may not be for you.

And of course, if you have any health issues and are taking prescription medications, check with your doctor before changing your current diet. This diet will lower your blood sugar levels significantly, and you may need to adjust your meds.

How To Follow a 3 Day Sardine Fast

Okay... you've decided to give this a try. And why not? There's nothing to lose except a bit of weight! 😊

So, how do you do it?

The Sardine Fast lasts for 3 days (72 hours). You eat as many cans of sardines as you are hungry for. Eat until you’re full. If you’re not hungry, don’t eat. You drink water, and tea or coffee black and unsweetened. That’s the simplicity of it.

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind and other simple rules to follow. But no worries... I provide everything you need to know about the Sardine Fast in my free Sardine Fast Challenge Guide. That's where I spell out every detail for you. Get you personal copy by clicking or Taping the picture.

I’ve followed the 3 Day Sardine Fast many times. As a matter of fact, I follow it at least once a month and I love how I feel when I’m just eating sardines and mackerel. Being in ketosis gives me so much energy and it’s such a mood booster as well.

I suggest that you try it and see for yourself.

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