Videos To Inform You

Selected Videos For You

Welcome to my video review web page where I share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics related to wellness. In particular, my focus is finding informative videos from trusted experts in the field of food addiction, low carb and keto lifestyles, including the Paleo and carnivore diets to name just a few.

With so much information and misinformation out there, I work hard to find well-researched videos from leading professionals, including nutritionist, psychologists, dieticians, doctors, and fitness enthusiasts who understand these diets and their impact on health.

You’d have to be living under a rock if you had not heard of low carb or keto diets. And every day, there’s a growing swell of popularity for this way of eating because people are seeing health benefits, reaching weight loss goals, and reversing some diseases. I believe the videos I’ve chosen will help you see the potential benefits of a carbohydrate restricted way of eating.

I’ve also found some fabulous videos about food and sugar addiction from experts in the field of addiction. It’s not a subject that’s explored quite as much but I believe many people struggle in silence with this disease.  The only way to get better is by bringing awareness to the problem. I encourage you to watch these videos. They could change your life.

I hope this corner of the site as well as my book review corner will foster a sense of community for men and women who are looking to take good care of their health. My goal is to make sure I provide you with a wide variety of perspectives through the video reviews. When it’s all said and done, there is no single approach in nutrition that suits everyone. What works for me won’t necessarily work for you. Enjoy the videos!

Is Your Diet Causing Arthritis?

Let's talk arthritis with Dr. Berry.

If you suffer from arthritic pain and you're not sure if your diet has anything to do with your aches and pains, then this video is for you!

Inflammation & Obesity Concerns with Dairy

This video with Dr. Ken Berry is all about dairy. While dairy has some nutritional value, it also has a dark side. And for some people it can mean the difference between good health or less than optimal wellbeing. If you're concerned about your relationship with cheese and milk, have a look at this video presentation.

Is dairy scary? Let's learn more...

Best Diet to Improve Mental Health

In this video Dr. Ken Berry interviews Dr. Georgia Ede about the impact of diet on mental health.  Cornerstone to this discussion is Dr. Ede's new book "Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind".  I've been reading this book as well and I highly recommend it. Check out the review here!

In this video you will discover amazing revelations that shed new hope in how diet can be used to address mental illness in ways that will improve the outcomes for those who suffer from it.

The Run Time is 1:07:12 and it's worth every second.  So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, settle into a comfortable chair, and enjoy. 

Why Does Insulin Resistance Matter

In this video Dr. Ben Bickman discusses why we need to pay attention to Insulin Resistance, which he claims is the most common health problem worldwide.  In this video Dr. Bickman describes how Insulin Resistance contributes to five health issues he refers to as the "Plagues of Prosperity".  He further describes these health issues and how they impact on your life, and reveals what you can do about addressing it.  I love how Dr. Bickman presents complex subjects in easy-to-understand language.  Definitely worth watching.

The Run Time is 37 minutes and it's packed with great information.  So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, settle into a comfortable chair, and enjoy.

Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome

In this video Dr. Ben Bickman discusses Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome, and how they are related.  He describes five disorders that make up Metabolic Syndrome and how they are all caused by Insulin Resistance.  Do you know what metabolic flexibility is?  You will learn this and much more in this informative video. You will also learn how common medical practice measures the wrong thing to determine pre-diabetes.

Of course Dr. Bickman is a master at describing complex subjects in a language, and a style, that's easy to understand.    I love how Dr. Bickman presents complex subjects in easy-to-understand language.  Definitely worth watching.

The Run Time is 31 minutes and it's packed with great information.  So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, settle into a comfortable chair, and enjoy.

Sugar Addiction Is Real - Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Jen Unwin

In this video, Dr. Ken Berry interviews Dr. Jen Unwin to discuss the serious challenges of having the American Psychiatric Association recognize food addiction as a bona fide substance use problem.

As Dr. Berry says, food addiction is a highly charged subject that “touches on every touchy nerve in the human psyche”.

Food addiction is a “modern food problem”, says Dr. Unwin.  This discussion demonstrates how what we’re eating today has hijacked our brains.  It also identifies why so many of us are becoming more and more addicted to the hedonic foods around us.

Dr. Unwin has written a book titled “Fork in the Road - A Hopeful Guide to Food Freedom”.  I’ve written a short book review, so click or tap here if you want to learn more.

The Run Time is 0:59:11 and it's worth every second.  So pour your beverage of choice and settle into a comfortable chair, and enjoy.  It will be time well spent.

Reversing Diabetes - Dr. Sarah Hallberg

In this presentation Dr. Sarah Hallberg argues that obesity is not a consequence of sloth, gluttony or personal failing, but a hormonal disease largely centered on insulin resistance. She refers to this reversable condition as “pre-pre-type 2 diabetes”.

Enjoy this 18-minute presentation. It’s one of the best TedX talks I’ve ever watched!

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