Cheryl Poulin Testimonials

Cheryl, is a dedicated coach and sugar addiction counselor who has been instrumental in transforming the lives of men and women who have struggled with obesity as well as sugar addiction. Her personalized methods, devoted support as well as her empowering approach to overcoming these issues have led to some glowing testimonials.

These clients experienced increased confidence, weight loss and better health markers. They reclaimed control over what had become hopeless, and they are now on a path to a much happier future.

We know that reclaiming our health and wellness, and navigating weight loss and food addictions can be overwhelming. But these complex challenges don’t need to be something you do all alone. Engaging with a professional coach can mean the difference between success and failure. Learn more here:

From C. Brown in Ottawa, Canada

"If you’re reading this, then you have a story that is probably similar to mine. My story goes something like this. For all my life (which is now over 60 years) I have always been a little heavier than I should be. So, that begs the question, how heavy should I be?

The medical community has always told me I was too heavy, society told me through advertising media I was too heavy and as a result, my own self-image reminded me constantly of the same thing.

As an athletic young man, I was able to keep the spreading pounds at bay, but as middle age crept up on me, I realized that something much more insidious was going on, the extra pounds were shortening my life. The truth is that as you get older you begin to question your own mortality and the question changes from, “…. what weight should I be?”  to, “…how healthy do I want to be, and ultimately, how long do I want to live?” For me, it was the on-set of rheumatoid arthritis in my late 50’s that changed the question. No matter how old you are, if you are ready to change the question, you are in the right place. 

Working Together

I started to work with Cheryl at the beginning of this year (2024). Right from our very first discussion she helped me to stay focussed on my health, and the pay-back in the last 8 months has been significant. I can truly say that I have not felt this good physically, mentally and emotionally in 15 years (and for anyone who likes the numbers, that equates to 40lbs and 5 inches on my waistline).

It is by no means an easy journey, but Cheryl is an excellent travel companion. She is always there to answer my questions and ready with encouragement when needed. To this point I have not needed it, but I suspect that if I needed a bit of a kick in the pants, she would be happy to do that too!! 😊

A-ha Moment!

During one of our early meetings (it might have been the first one), Cheryl introduced me to the concept of food addiction – a concept which I had heard of, but not considered as a factor for me. Nonetheless, I decided to do the SUGAR® Assessment.

I have to confess, that when we discussed the results of the assessment it had a profound effect on me. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, but it motivated me do a lot more of my own research in addition to the significant amount of information that Cheryl makes available. After all, knowledge is power, and now I have the power!!"

Colin B. Ottawa, Canada

From Nancy Kaplan, Montreal Canada

"Cheryl has been so inspiring in my journey of weight loss. Her skill in listening to my personal story is amazing. She is able with ease to put the pieces together in such a way that is precise, honest, knowledgeable and most importantly user friendly …Her recommendations are fair, sensible and not overwhelming … she is a bright star in my weight loss world."

- Nancy Kaplan

From Rosalyn B. D., Ottawa Canada

"I am very grateful to Cheryl for her support and assistance, in revealing to me, the extent of my sugar addiction.  It was so liberating to know that I am not responsible, for my addiction.  It was not easy to reveal my past experiences regarding food, and my addiction to sugar, but Cheryl’s patience and compassion opened the door of trust for me to share my on-going struggles, with sugar and food. 

Cheryl, through this process presented me with tools on how to overcome this addiction.  I am in a better place today as a result of working with Cheryl.  I am grateful she has left the door open for me to contact her if and when the need arises. I highly recommend her services!"

- Rosalyn B. D.

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